Friday, June 17, 2016

Asphalt plant - batch mix plant, drum mix plant

An asphalt plant is a plant used for the manufacture of asphaltmacadam and other forms of coated roadstone, sometimes collectively known as blacktop or asphalt concrete.

asphalt hot mix plant

asphalt batch mix plant

The manufacture of coated roadstone demands the combination of a number of aggregatessand and a filler (such as stone dust), in the correct proportions, heated, and finally coated with a binder, usually bitumen based or, in some cases, tar,although tar was removed from BS4987 in 2001 and is not referred to in BSEN 13108/1. The temperature of the finished product must be sufficient to be workable after transport to the final destination. A temperature in the range of 100 to 200 degrees Celsius is normal.

Main Structure 

The asphalt plant is mainly composed of cold aggregate supply system, drum dryer, coal burner, coal feeder, dust collector, hot aggregate elevator, vibrating screen, filler supply system, weighing and mixing system, asphalt storage, bitumen supply system. All these components have characteristics that impact not only the overall quality of the asphalt but also the effect on the environment.


One key ingredient of most roadstones is sand. Sand generally has a high water content. Boiling off this water is alarge part of the energy cost of heating the aggregate, in turn a significant part of the overall cost of operation. The water content of sand also varies considerably, especially when stored outdoors, being typically of the order of some tens of percent of the overall mass of wet sand. Since sand takes the form of small grains, with a high surface area per unit volume, and binder attaches to the surface of the aggregates, the amount of dry sand in the mix is particularly critical to the overall blend; the moisture content must be measured and the equivalent dry weight calculated.


Binder comes in different grades known as "penetration" or "pen" grades, with values varying between around 30 and 300. The pen value is an expression of the depth to which a standard needle will penetrate the surface of the binder at a specified temperature (the higher the value, the softer the binder). This has an effect on the workability of hot asphalt and the stiffness of the asphalt when cooled. Lower pen values give harder wearing. Asphalt wearing courses are typically 35-50 pen, base courses will be higher, typically 200 or 300 pen. The coating plant may combine binder of different grades to achieve a grade between those held on site.


Filler, as the name implies, fills the voids between aggregate grains and improves the wearing capabilities of the overall mix.[3] It is stored and fed dry into the mix, during or after addition of binder. A common source of filler is fines from the heating process recovered by bag filters or wet filtration ponds from the exhaust of the heating drum.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Counterflow Drum Mix Plants ..

 The most significant ducted source of emissions from counterflow drum mix plants is the rotary drum dryer. Emissions from the drum consist of water (as steam evaporated from the aggregate); PM; products of combustion; CO; and small amounts of organic compounds of various species (including VOC, CH4, and HAP). The CO and organic compound emissions result primarily from incomplete combustion of the fuel, and can also be released from the heated asphalt. Liquid asphalt cement, aggregate, and sometimes RAP, are mixed in a zone not in contact with the hot exhaust gas stream. As a result, kiln stack emissions of organic compounds from counterflow drum mix plants may be lower than parallel flow drum mix plants. However, variations in the emissions due to other unknown process variables are more significant. As a result, the emission factors for parallel flow and counterflow drum mix plants are the same.

By: Mr. Deepak Chaudhary (M.D of Kesar road equipments)
call: 98253 22472


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Parallel Flow Drum Mix Plants...

The most significant ducted source of emissions from parallel-flow drum mix plants is the rotary drum dryer. Emissions from the drum consist of water (as steam evaporated from the aggregate); PM; products of combustion; CO; and small amounts of organic compounds of various species (including VOC, CH4, and HAP). The organic compound and CO emissions result from incomplete combustion of the fuel and from heating and mixing of the liquid asphalt cement inside the drum. Although it has been suggested that the processing of RAP materials at these type plants may increase organic compound emissions because of an increase in mixing zone temperature during processing, the data supporting this hypothesis are very weak. Specifically, although the data show a relationship only between RAP content and condensible organic particulate emissions, 89 percent of the variations in the data were the result of other unknown process variables. Once the organic compounds cool after discharge from the process stack, some condense to form a fine organic aerosol or “blue smoke” plume. A number of process modifications or restrictions have been introduced to reduce blue smoke, including installation of flame shields, rearrangement of flights inside the drum, adjustments of the asphalt injection point, and other design changes.

By: Mr. Deepak Chaudhary (M.D of Kesar road equipments)
call: 98253 22472


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Monday, June 13, 2016

Which plant produce high quality asphalt hot mix ?

Hot mix asphalt (HMA) paving materials are a mixture of size-graded, high quality aggregate (which can include reclaimed asphalt pavement [RAP]), and liquid asphalt cement, which is heated and mixed in measured quantities to produce HMA. Aggregate and RAP (if used) constitute over 92 percent by weight of the total mixture. Aside from the amount and grade of asphalt cement used, mix characteristics are determined by the relative amounts and types of aggregate and RAP used. A certain percentage of fine aggregate (less than 74 micrometers [µm] in physical diameter) is required for the production of good quality HMA.

Hot mix asphalt paving materials can be manufactured by: (1) batch mix plants, (2) continuous mix (mix outside dryer drum) plants, (3) parallel flow drum mix plants, and (4) counterflow drum mix plants. This order of listing generally reflects the chronological order of development and use within the HMA industry.

An HMA plant can be constructed as a permanent plant, a skid-mounted (easily relocated) plant, or a portable plant. All plants can have RAP processing capabilities. Virtually all plants being manufactured today have RAP processing capability. Most plants have the capability to use either gaseous fuels (natural gas) or fuel oil. However, based upon Department of Energy and limited State inventory information, between 70 and 90 percent of the HMA is produced using natural gas as the fuel to dry and heat the aggregate.

What is Cold asphalt, warm asphalt, & hot asphalt ?

Hot, Cold and Recycled: Different Asphalts for Different Conditions

America has spent more than one trillion dollars building its infrastructure of streets, roads, highways and superhighways. Because that building program began decades ago – for cars and bicycles 100 years ago, and in earnest since the 1950s – much of that investment today is crumbling. Potholes are everywhere – but so too is the innovative drive to plug up those breaks in asphalt (most roads are built with asphalt, although some are made with concrete).
It’s an elusive search for the Holy Grail of pavement – the smartest, most economical, efficient and long-lasting repairs that can extend the life of roads. Note, repairs are almost always much more economical and green than the wholesale reconstruction of a road. And as it turns out, there is a range of methods employed in different places at different times of year that seek to avoid reconstruction wherever and however possible.
To most people who work outside of the pavement and surface transportation business, all asphalt looks and functions the same. It’s all small rocks (aggregate), mashed and held together by some kind of black, goopy, hardened emulsifier. It’s laid down hot and steaming. And when road crews fix the potholes, those fixes seem to be temporary at best.
But asphalt is not one thing with one set of physical features. Far from it, in fact.
For example, the little aggregate rocks that are mashed together vary somewhat from location to location. Crushed gravel has to be angular, not rounded, and within a specified range of size. But the bituminous emulsifiers, the black stuff that holds it all together, varies quite a bit by use and location.
This is because bituminous emulsions are more than just petroleum-derived goop. They are complex and specific concoctions, stabilized by intermolecular repulsive and attractive forces. Chemists and engineers who work with emulsifiers have to ensure consistency of the materials so that it is appropriate for the application – for example, the differences between filling a truck-route highway pothole in January and paving a light-traffic parking lot in July. Further, the emulsion selected has to be stored and transported in ways that enable operational efficiencies.
This is a tall order. And, how right those chemists, engineers and road construction or maintenance crews get it affects everyone. The challenge encompasses motorists who want neither bottleneck traffic nor damage to their vehicles’ undercarriage, regional commerce that depends on surface transportation efficiency, and passengers whose safety is in part a function of road quality. We may not have theories of colloid science in our head as we travel the highways and byways, but fortunately, other people have already worked this out for us.
Complicating things further, roads are built in all climates, from the equatorial regions of Africa and South America to the sub-arctic and even arctic ranges of Canada, the U.S., Europe and Asia. At all latitudes, there are challenges to the integrity of the asphalt, and consequently pavement deterioration and potholes can and do occur in all regions – not just the classic temperate climates, where freeze-thaw cycles do a good job of creating potholes.
Pothole repair: Different materials, different methods
The original construction of those roads can be planned, scheduled for the right times of year when temperature and other climactic conditions are ideal. However, the repair of roads, filling potholes so that traffic can keep moving, is perhaps more challenging than building those roads. (Mayors are voted out of office, sometimes, if those darn potholes don’t get fixed in time for an election.) This is why different types of asphalt, largely defined by their emulsifiers and how they are applied, are so very important. We outline several choices here.
Hot mix (warmer, drier weather) – For larger jobs, the economics of a full hot mix operation usually makes sense. The asphalt is mixed at 300 degrees (Fahrenheit, 148 degrees Celsius), then must be kept sufficiently hot while the application and compaction is complete. For the most part, it can only be applied when the ground itself is warm and dry. A cold base will cause the mix to cool before setting, which is the primary reason that winter potholes are filled with one or the other version of a cold patch material. The presence of excess moisture also prevents good adhesion between layers (lifts) of asphalt.
Hot box mix (warmer, drier air) – Stockpiled hot mix that has cooled can be rejuvenated and held at a work site, heated by propane or diesel heating systems. Typically, this is done by the ton (two or four tons at a load), so it is more applicable to larger repair work than one-off potholes.
Recycled hot mix (warmer, drier weather) – The Federal Highway Administration advocates for the recycling of pavement, wherever and whenever possible, for both environmental and cost-management reasons. Recycling can reduce overall costs over the lifecycle of a road, reduce landfill dumping of old pavement and reduce the need to source raw materials. It generally is used in the construction of whole roadways, but is sometimes used to repair sections of streets and highways where there is significant deterioration but a full replacement of the road would be cost-prohibitive. Laying down the recycled material is similar to hot mix.
Temporary cold patch (cool, drier weather) –  This is used for pothole patching and other repairs in colder months. Because it can be applied at colder temperatures, road crews can move from site to site without concern for the viscosity of the mix as the day wears on (hot mix would harden before application). Or, the mix might be kept on a general maintenance truck for one-off pothole repairs while crews are tending to a variety of roadway repair matters. It is not durable and consequently is considered temporary, providing just enough patch to last to the warmer months when a more permanent hot mix might be used. Also, moisture at the repair site needs to be dried out (with a version of a hot air blower) in order to achieve some tack between the material and the surrounding intact pavement.
Advanced polymer-modified cold patch (cool and wet weather) – Although more expensive by the pound, a higher-quality cold asphalt mix is formulated to create a permanent fix. Because it can be applied in cold temperatures and in wet conditions, it operationally is very useful for road crews making repairs in the winter (sparing them from making a return repair trip three to six months after application of a temporary cold mix). As with the lower-quality temporary cold patch, small quantities can be kept on hand on all maintenance vehicles, ready for repairs where and when the occasion calls for it. Repairing pavement once instead of two or three times might well offset the higher expense of the base polymer-modified material.
Polyurethane-base systems (all temperature, dried surfaces) – This is a material sold for highway, commercial and residential applications, and is specifically recommended for pothole repair. It sets in about ten minutes, requires no primer, can be used to block moisture in concrete and asphalt fissures, and with the addition of a catalyst, can be applied in cooler temperatures. The surface area where it applied – remember that most potholes are in low, moisture-prone areas – must be dried before application of the material. A treated sand is included with the product, mixed onsite immediately before application.
Polyphalt polymer-modified bitumen technology (all temperatures, wet and dry surfaces) – Engineered specifically for the colder climate of Canada and other countries with similar climates – stemming from research and development at the University of Toronto – this employs a proprietary process that stabilizes plastics in asphalt and the devulcanization of crumb rubber from waste car tires.
Mobile infrared repair-recycle vehicles (all temperature, dried surfaces) – Using heat technology administered by a mobile infrared unit, existing asphalt is recycled in place. Technicians use the unit to warm the area to be repaired, softening the intact pavement around the pothole up to five inches into the asphalt. Once softened, the unit moves aside and the old asphalt is raked and reshaped to fill the pothole (in some cases, oil pitting will require the disposal of old asphalt). A rejuvenating emulsion is then used on the recycled material, usually with some new asphalt added, which is laid down and compacted by a separate compactor while still hot. Different grades of new asphalt are used for summer and winter applications.
“Pothole killer” truck-mounted units (all temperature, dried surfaces) – In use by several municipalities, including Utica, New York, this is a single-person operation that is recognized for taking work crews out of harm’s way. A robotic arm handles the entire operation, hovering several feet over the hole (and in front of the operator, sitting in the truck cab) starting with a blast of air pressure to clean the pothole. This is followed as the arm delivers an emulsion coagulent (tack coat), then a spray of emulsion and stone (tar and rock), filling the hole. A dry coat of stone is applied on top – slightly different procedures and formulations are applied in winter and summer.
Ultra-tough, low-viscosity nanomolecular resin (all temperature, in development) – Researchers at UCLA Engineering (University of California at Los Angeles) are working on a pothole-repair technology that employs a nanomolecular resin that infiltrates pavement cracks, then cures and hardens to form a continuous network of mechanical “cages” that mechanically lock in asphalt aggregates. The product takes “a radically different approach, infiltrating the compacted asphalt-aggregate mixture with an ultra-high-toughness, low-viscosity nanomolecular resin,” says a co-principal investigator of the research program, J.W. Ju, UCLA professor of civil and environmental engineering.
There are other technologies developed by a handful of companies that are proprietary and difficult to examine other than by their benefits. It’s clear that all companies are driving toward providing a more permanent pothole repair, materials and processes that are operationally easy to implement and which are affordable by municipalities, commercial enterprises and homeowners.
Road building and repair methods have evolved considerably in recent years in response to the aging nature of U.S. roads and highways. Much stands to be gained by further research and development of colloid science in bituminous emulsions used by the paving and road maintenance industries.
For now, the smart application of a variety of materials at the right time and in the right places already ensures better economics and road performance than most people know. asphalt batch mix plant

This is asphalt batch mix plant, which is knows as a batch mix plant, asphalt plant and asphalt batch mix type hot mix plant.
kesar road equipments is a leading asphalt batch mix plant manufacturer with the best quality and latest technology.

Contact: kesar road equipments

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

batch mix plant

kesar road equipments are batch mix plant manufacturer in india.
with he experience of 18 years in the field of batch mix plant machinery kesar have a very expert engineers and testing team to make batch mix plant perfect.

contact us or visit us for more details:

Call: 98253 22472

asphalt batch mix plant

kesar road equipments is leading manufacturers of road construction machinery.
we have a large numbers of varieties in a products like
asphalt batch mix plant, asphalt hot mix plant, paver finisher, hydraulic broomer, bitumen pressure distributor, bitumen drum decanter, wet mix macadam plant, road dust cleaner etc.
contact us or visit us for more details:
Call: 98253 22472

Asphalt batch mix plant
Asphalt hot mix plant
Asphalt drum mix plant
Asphalt paver finisher
Hydraulic broomer
Bitumen pressure distributor
Bitumen decanter
Wet mix macadam plant
Bitumen emulsion sprayer

Our expert engineers and technical team are highly expert in whatever task we have come. and we do a testing at every stage of manufacturing. So now kesar road equipments are leading road equipments manufacturing company in india.